Why was this web site created?

Three reasons:

(1) When I saw the 30 second trailer for ID4 at a Star Trek convention two months ago, I knew ID4 was going to be a good movie, but that was just about it. But, when I downloaded and played Trailer B, a 2.5 minute QuickTime movie from the ID4.com site, I KNEW that this was going to be one of the greatest, if not the greatest, science fiction movies of all time! This site is my way of informing people about the movie.

(2) Some ID4 images and information on the net may be difficult for many to get access to because they don't have the right browser or plug-in. The JPEGs, for example, are from the Centropolis site, and since this site uses frames, a non-Netscape browser simply cannot access it. I created this site to provide a convenient place on the net for people who want ID4 images and information.

(3) I've been exploring the net for some time now, and I wanted to create a web site of my own. I wanted to see what I could do with HTML, but I needed a good reason to create a web site. ID4 gave me that reason.


This site should be compatible with all web browsers supporting HTML 2.0 and 3.0. It will, however, look best with Netscape 2.0 and Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer users will hear a background sound when the welcome page is loaded up. All other browsers will require a helper app to play it.

This site was created on an Apple Power Macintosh 7500/100, using nothing more than GIFConverter 2.3.7, MoviePlayer, BBEdit Lite 3.5.1, and the images and movies I downloaded from the Centropolis and Twentieth Century-Fox ID4 web sites. The original site, which included the welcome, main, and two of the QuickTime clips pages was created in 7 days. The site was opened to vistors on June 14, 1996.

Thank you for visiting!

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June 16, 1996
bchoi@hooked.net. Brendan Choi